The inverted pyramid

Okay, so the inverted pyramid is basically what it says on the tin. It’s a pyramid turned upside down. So like a point going down. And this is where you want to drive people down and that’s where your eye will naturally go down. So that’s why having a nice clearer header here, without very much going is important. Because you don’t want people to stay up here. So, if I just wiz through, okay so Google are doing the same thing here. Nice clear, simple, heading, nice, clear, centralised logo here. Again, not much going on. And this is actually an email from Apple. You haven’t got anything going on up here. So, if wiz, back to this one. So, you’ve got a couple of links here. I would probably remove these, put them in the footer, like clear the header up. So, you want to kind of draw the eye down to a point. And this is why most emails, particularly nowadays, most emails are centralised and single-column. People have moved away from lots of different columns, lots of different sections going on and trying to be smart with it.

But try and simplify. Don’t try and get smart. Don’t try and get clever and have lots of different columns of content. Because that’s not easy on the, you want to make it easy on the eye. So we’ve looked at, don’t make me, we’ve looked at making the content flow, the glance test. Here with the inverted pyramid is where we are driving the eye down to the centre. So yes, in an ideal world, you would have the call the action around about here in this email and you could probably do that if you removed about, shop and virtual visit. However, still a well-designed email, lovely product photography here, but the inverted pyramid. So you are, you are going from the top level here, right the way down. Feel good, centralised copy, learn more right in the middle. Call to action. Now the call to action here is where the point of the pyramid ends. Then you’ve got a little bit more information, which is kind of backing up the central main primary call to action.

So similarly, Google, Google store. Really simple. You don’t want to drive people’s attention too much to your logo. People know who you are. Like they’re in your list, they’ve subscribed already. So, you want to really drive people to the message and not to your logo and the heading and some links at the top. So, you want to grab attention with the ‘Brain power, plus battery power’, little bit of blurb there, and then ‘Pre-order now’ call to action, point of the pyramid. So above the fold line, driving the eye down to the centralised button and make the button really bold. Obviously, you need to keep your email on brand. So, use brand colours, but blues and greens and reds actually, if it’s a sense of urgency, really kind of drive people to click.

This is a nice bold image here. Really clear. I mean actually, if you have that in your inbox, you’d have to scroll to know what the email’s about. But I would argue, because the image is so striking, you do want to know, so what they said, ‘Raise a bite to the future of farming’. Now the future of farming, next generation. You’ve got a next-generation image here and then you’ve got their logo again, I would probably argue don’t need it there twice but ‘Raise a bite to feature of farming’. ‘Raise a bite to feature of farming’, the subject line and the text is exactly the same. If you are kind of struggling to kind of have, you know, a different message in both and you’re thinking, how do I reword this? Just go with the same message. It just reinforces that message and even though the call to action is here and there’s not many calls to action here, ‘View story’, it’s quite far down the point here is driving your eye. So nice, clear imagery here you are drawn down and then it’s kind of pointing back up. So you’ve got a normal pyramid there, but the eye has been drawn down to the message here.

Apple. ‘Time for a recap’. ‘Miss the event? Time for a recap’. So, Apple, you know, as I said, like look at Google and look at Apple. If you are stuck for ideas, look at how the big brands are doing it. Because they’re going to have teams of people around conversions and marketing and copywriting and doing the latest research. Like just if you are unsure, see what these guys are doing. So ‘Time for a recap’. It’s in the subject line, it’s in the main heading. Then you’ve got a little bit of copy here, introducing blah, blah, blah. ‘Watch the event’. So, in terms of the inverted pyramid, your eyes are drawn. ‘Time for a recap’, ‘Time for a recap’, call to action, ‘Watch the event’. Now obviously being Apple with some really lush product photography as you go through the email, but they’re not using that in the same way they do with their website.

It’s further down. So, they’ve got a lot of, kind of, calls to action and a lot of things going on. But the main thing that they’re trying to get you to do is have a recap of the event. So, these are things that are featured in the event. These are things that kind of, you might be interested in if you watch the event or want to watch it or want to watch it again. But at the top here, the main call to action, inverted pyramid bang, right there in the middle, above the fold line. Nice and clear. I would probably make that call to action darker. It would probably be quite nice to have it as a black, as a contrast with the black background here. But you know, I’m guessing Apple know more about this kind of stuff than I do, so I’m going to back off and just let Apple do their thing. But in terms of the inverted pyramid, I would say draws the eye right down to the call to action. So just try and keep your call to action above the fold line and try to centralise it, drive people to the middle there.

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