Launch like Hollywood

Launch like Hollywood

Found this really interesting chapter from Getting Real by Basecamp. The premise is to take a leaf out of the Hollywood playbook and launch your next product or service like it were a movie. There is a pre-step to all this, and that’s to get a landing page up...
The genius of Harry Dry

The genius of Harry Dry

If you’re in marketing and you’ve not heard the name ‘Harry Dry’, then you’re living under a rock! Harry is a savvy marketer, who has grown a one-man empire by being dedicated, consistent and personal. His website Marketing Examples get’s a tonne of traffic, his email...
Sticker Mule’s plain text emails

Sticker Mule’s plain text emails

Sticker Mule write great emails, but it’s not the design that’s great, it’s the simplicity. Cos in a world of noise and chaos, simplicity wins. Their emails are plain text, super short, and super friendly. Like this one: To copy this, do this: Write your offer, the...
The HOTH’s blueprint for success

The HOTH’s blueprint for success

The HOTH are an SEO outsource service, but their blueprint for email marketing is amazing, and one we use here at MailNinja. Here it is: I emailed the HOTH for a more detailed breakdown of this strategy, and they actually replied and told me… here it is: –...
ChatGPT blog post copy commands

ChatGPT blog post copy commands

I am not gonna spend any time explaining why you should use ChatGPT to write copy, it’s a non-brainer, BUT, if you’re just typing in ‘write a blog post about email marketing’, then stop. You need to go deeper… Here’s our script, copy and paste and edit it: –...
Noah’s resend strategy

Noah’s resend strategy

Noah Kagan wrote this post back in 2015, and even if it wasn’t the norm back then, it is now, but most people don’t do it. Fact is, most people won’t open your email,  but like any decent sales person will tell you, it’s normally the last attempt that people take...