How to achieve effective Shopify email marketing

by | Wed 3 Jun, 20

Utilising Shopify’s features to perfect your email marketing strategy.

Shopify is an excellent platform to use as the foundation of your brand new ecommerce site. Its fully equipt dashboard and packed guides make it perfect for start-ups and those who are very new to the world of selling their wares online. At Limely, it is one of the many platforms we use to help us achieve web design greatness for our wide range of clients.

Some of the many features that it offers out to its users include areas in which to access your site’s analytics, easily edit your site’s content, managing and processing orders and most importantly, an area in which helps you craft and implement effective marketing strategies.

How to achieve effective shopify email marketing

One of the most effective marketing strategies out there in the world of ecommerce is email marketing. It can be sent directly to willing users, it can guarantee user interaction and through Shopify’s analytical features, can be crafted around the activities and behaviour of your users.

But how do you go about perfecting the art to make sure you are using it to its fullest potential?

– Collating an audience

Gaining your customer’s consent to receive email marketing is a great way to strategize and focus your content and guarantee an audience. But how do you build this audience and how do you gain this consent?

By Making use of the ‘newsletter’ feature available on Shopify, as well as applying consent buttons within the account registration process, you can begin to build up an email list full of consumers who want to hear and read your content. This allows you to focus your email marketing, and make sure that it’s content that is being read and acted upon.

Shopify makes it so you can send out email content to 20,000 subscribers, so utilising this feature would broaden your audience substantially.

– Utilise customer groups

Customer Groups is yet another feature on Shopify that gives you the ability to sort and group your customers in terms of their activity, account information, shopping behaviours and on-site interaction. This feature allows you to further focus your email marketing; giving you the chance to adapt content according to its recipient. This will not only boost your opening rates but guarantee their interest and chances of following through using proposed links and CTAs.

How to achieve effective shopify email marketing

– Perfecting your content

With all the analytical tools available on Shopify, you are able to really get to know your customers and what they want to see. This gives you the upper hand when designing and implementing your email content. Depending on your customer’s activity as illustrated by your analytics, you can craft content that will keep them engaged and lead them to your site.

There are a lot of ways you could take your email marketing, whether it’s to update your customers on business information, promotions, special events or even checkout recovery emails to ensure sales that otherwise might have been missed. For email marketing to work at its fullest potential, effective and engaging content is key, and this can be achieved by using Shopify to educate yourself on what your customers are going to love.

– Keep them clickin’

Usually, within email marketing, you have your previously explored general copy that you adapt to entice and engage your users. But there is also the content that gives the marketing purpose and effectively leads its recipient straight back to your site. It shouldn’t just stop with the reading material, your marketing emails should also link back to your site, your social media, a form or even a page of focus in order to actively achieve results.

This could also include discounts or promotional codes which can easily be made within Shopify, and can even be crafted to individual customers.

How to achieve effective shopify email marketing

When you’ve perfected the art of email marketing, it can work wonders for increasing traffic, encouraging sales and keeping your existing customers engaged. Utilising the many features provided by Shopify and putting time and effort into your marketing strategy will mean you’ll be reaping those benefits in no time.

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