How to write email campaigns that are relevant and personalised to a segmented audience

by | Fri 7 Aug, 20

Irrespective of the business, scale, or even the role of the individual inside the organisation, everybody uses email. Despite the growth of social media, blogs, and Smartphone messaging applications, email remains one of the most common means of communication. Every day, we send and receive 269 billion emails. It seems complicated to get out of this crowd.

But email remains one of the most potent forms of communication, with a median ROI almost five times that of other platforms such as social media, direct mail, and paid search. That email is useful, and writing a sufficient email doesn’t automatically go hand in hand. When you send in the wrong emails, you will end up losing clients. In reality, 66 percent of people unsubscribe from emails because their interests are not associated with them.

However, to keep your customers satisfied, you need large emails, and in this article, this is one of the main aspects I’m going to touch. You know all the reasons you should use email, but I’ll dig into the nitty-gritty specifics of how relevant emails are sent to your audience.

The first step is to segment our email lists so that we can write an email that reaches the right audience for our newsletters. This is opposite to batch and blast method whereby you batch all your list and blast out the same email to all of them.

 Batch and blast are falling on more and more deaf ears. This is not a tactic that can produce the best results for you. Every time you send the same email to your entire list, you damage yourself – because people will disengage from your emails, and your email credibility will decline, meaning that less and less of your emails will make it into their expected inboxes over time. If batch-and-blast is your email strategy, your results will continue to be scaled down.

Segment the right audience

We know that email is successful, but we don’t have time to contact every customer directly on our lists. Every email, however, needs to feel personal.

After the proper segmentation of your clients, it is easier to send emails that are more personalised and relevant to your audience.

Messages should be focused on the connections between your target customers and your firm and website. They should not be feeling generic, erratic, or meaningless as a result.

Did a client make a buy from you as of late?

A thank-you email clarifying the advantages of the buy can assist you in keeping your image upfront in the client’s psyche.

And what way should your email lists be segmented? 

Fundamental factors such as age, race, and position are a perfect starting point. You won’t always be adequate, but you will be supported.

You would typically talk differently from a younger or recent college graduate to a military soldier. Men and women may also address the terminology used in email marketing separately.

These personal details could, of course, be inaccessible. This isn’t the right way for group viewers either.

Several standard public segmentation options based on engagement, actions, or other factors that you may find useful are available from MailChimp’s marketing automation tool.

How can you write relevant emails to your segments audience in a personalised manner?

Now, after you have segmented your audience in opposite to the batch and blast method, the next thing is to start writing relevant and personalised emails to the segment audience. Every time people check their email inbox, the first thought that pops up in their mind is whether to open the email or not.

So if this person is one of your future clients, your paycheck may be the difference. And, of course, you want a “safe” answer. So for this to happen, your emails must be relevant to what want your audience want. However, here below are some tips you can follow to write relevant emails to your segmented audience:

Give your emails a compelling subject line 

The easiest way to start is with email subject line when you are curious how to correctly do email marketing. The upgrade of the subject line could be the difference between receivers opening, removing, or, worse, labeling the email as spam. People open your emails if they believe they’re going to gain, whether they fear or if they give compelling reasons.

Avoid using a shouting tone in your emails

Remove all caps and multiple exclamations in the subject line as well as in the email text. Not only are all caps similar to online yelling, but spammy email marketing is overused. Your email open rate is going to hurt. And if many subscribers mention you, your emails could even harm, or your email newsletter service could also blacklist you.

Pick the right words

The kind of words you choose to use in writing to email list A should be different from the words you use in writing to List B after you have understood your audience. This is because the audience you grouped in each segment is a different set of people. Hence, one thing stands out when you look at the latest cases for email copying. Choosing words is vital for making it a pleasant experience to read your email address, and because most emails are brief, all words are essential.

If you want to stimulate the imagination of readers, appeal to their emotions, and get them to act, you must consider these things:

  • Using analogies and other methods 
  • Simply apply your sensory words to emails make them see and smell your word picture. You will always invoke touch and taste in an ideal world.
  • Using power terms in your subject line, copy, and call for action (CTA) to stimulate the reader and express action

Also, for building confidence, do not make false promises and slothful tactics, or you chance forever losing the audience.


You should take your time and understand your audience; by then, you can now group them into segments. Behaviour triggers are among the most useful innovation opportunities for marketers. 

Marketers should evaluate behaviour patterns within their customers and later to identify tactics that function very well. You will experience even better engagement rates if you can develop an email marketing plan that genuinely encourages customers to open their emails.

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