Five cognitive psychology tricks for email campaign excellence

by | Mon 16 Mar, 20

When it comes to email campaigns, do not underestimate how cognitive psychological tricks can yield impressive results. It is all about psychology and perception – how the audience will see the email, and how they will digest the information in the email.

It is all about winning them over so that they can open your emails and take some form of action depending on how you have structured your email. In this regard, there is a set of cognitive psychological tricks that can help you excel in your email campaign.

Leverage Exclusivity

Many people like it when they are part of an inner circle. It gives them a sense of importance. It tells them that they are an exclusive part of something. This is where you can carefully word your content to reflect this exclusivity.

You can infuse terms like exclusive offers, members-only, full access to members only, x% discount to members, or invitation only.

When you do this, you play directly into the human desire to feel special and a close part of something.

You can also use other phrases that are even more convincing. “Special offers to members only” can play well in the minds and hands of your subscribers, and this can help to bolster your email campaign.

This is so because there is a high chance that most subscribers would want to see what is in it for them. Opening these emails and reading their content is a plus for you, and this will also depend on your Calls to Action. When creating content that will accompany the exclusivity aspect, you might want to consider the following tools:

  • ClassyEssay – If you are looking for a place where you will get your content done in a fast manner, then you might want to check this out.
  • Google – This is a gateway to tons of information on a variety of topics that might come in handy in the content creation process.
  • Grammarly – This tool will allow you to correct your content.

Use the Element of Scarcity

Whenever there is a shortage of something, more people will want to get a hold of it to ensure that they are not left out. There is that fear of missing out. This is all psychology. For example, the opening statement of your email can include “while the offer stands.” This creates a sense of urgency. It makes your target audience to bear in mind that they stand to benefit from discounted prices when they still exist.

The result is that you will end up with tons of people rushing to check the offer. They wouldn’t want to miss out on it, and the more your audience checks it out, then you can rest assured of the success of your campaign.


Personalization primarily revolves around tailoring content in such a way that it falls within the preferences, tastes, and likes of the target audience. Personalization is a strategy that looks at what the target audience wants, and crafts content strategies and campaigns that are in tune with these wants and preferences.

When it comes to your email marketing campaign, you need to ensure that you have a full wrap of the preferences and behaviour of your target audience in hand.

With this information on hand, you are in a position to mould content that will be in sync with the preferences of your target audience. In this regard, tools like BeGraded, Studyker, and Grammarly can come in handy. You can go ahead to segment your audience according to their preferences, after which you can craft email campaigns according to the segments. There is a good chance that these users in these segments will make a sufficient audience for your email campaign. This is how personalization can come in handy as a psychology trick for email campaign success.

Work With Influencers

When it comes to influencer marketing, do not underestimate the swaying impact of influencers. Since it is an email campaign, you do not have to overdo it as if it were a social media marketing campaign. In your emails, you could use various approaches to infuse the work of influencers. You could use catchphrases that denote the support of a particular influencer or group of influencers to the email campaign.

The work of influencers is generally to influence people. When you work with them, there is a high chance that folks in your target audience will want to check the email, especially if they know the influencers. “Working with influencers can help to give you an edge when it comes to the viewership and readership of your emails in your email marketing,” says John Smith, an expert at Subjecto.

In this case, when you work with influencers, you are tapping the power of associations, which is a key cognitive psychology trick.


This is a long-term cognitive psychology trick for your email campaign, but it surely has benefits and returns. Generosity means that you will have to give a lot of freebies to your target audience. These freebies can be things that you would otherwise sell to your target audience in normal circumstances.

There is the argument that you could be losing out on potential revenue, but on the flip side, you are making a long time investment. Any freebies that you extend to your audience is your property and making, and you can surely create more. In this situation, you will be giving them for free for reasons of improving engagement as well as bolstering your brand’s identity to advance your email campaign.

Many people like freebies. This is truer for most places and especially on the web. Leveraging this aspect of human nature can be a psychological technique that you can use to your advantage as far as your email campaign goes.

In summary, marketing is mostly a psychological affair. It is about looking at the things that people connect most to. It involves looking at what resonates with the target audience and leveraging those aspects to maximize on your email marketing campaign. Email campaign recipes that involve using cognitive psychology tricks are highly likely to succeed than those that do not.

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